Which volunteer role are you interested in?
Which Partnership Board are you interested in joining?



Please give details of two referees who have known you for at least one year. A referee can be a previous employer,  someone from an organisation you have volunteered with, or a friend. They could also be a social worker, probation officer, or anyone else who has worked with you and knows you. Family members cannot be referees.

If you are under 18, this could be a teacher or a youth leader.

Referee 1

Referee 2

Criminal convictions

Criminal record checks

We may ask you to apply for a disclosure and barring service (DBS) check for some volunteer roles. If you need a DBS for this role - it will be stated in the role description. 

For roles where a DBS is not required, volunteers will be asked to declare any unspent convictions as part of the application process.

If you have been barred from working with children or adults with care and support needs or have a serious spent or unspent conviction, you will not be able to volunteer for Healthwatch Cambridgeshire or Healthwatch Peterborough.

However, applications from individuals with minor and spent convictions are accepted and will be considered on a case by case basis.


I consent to Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Healthwatch Peterborough keeping and using information about me - provided by me or by third parties such as referees - relating to this application to become a volunteer.  
If you are aged 16 or 17 years, please ask you parent or guardian to complete the consent form below.
This information will be used in line with our privacy statement

About you

Where do you live?
How old are you?
What was your sex recorded at birth?
Do you have a disability?
Do you have a long term condition?
Do you provide unpaid care or support for a family member or friend?