If you use GPs and hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, care homes or other support services in your area, we want to hear about your experiences.
We are independent and have the power to make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers listen to local feedback and improve standards of care.
We can also help you to find reliable and trustworthy information and advice.
How we work
We are here to listen to what you like about services and what you think could be improved. No matter how big or small the issue, we want to hear about it.
Where possible, we will let you know when changes are planned to services in our community and help you have a say. We will also encourage those in charge of local care to involve you when changes are being planned to services.
You can also speak to us to find information about health and social care services available locally.
We work together with Healthwatch Cambridgeshire as part of the same organisation, sharing the same staff team.
Our approach
People's views come first - especially those who find it hardest to be heard.
We champion what matters to you and work with others to find ideas that work. We are independent and committed to making the biggest difference to you.
Our plans
Our communities face big challenges. A growing number of people need help with long-term health conditions, whilst illnesses associated with unequal life chances and lifestyle are adding to pressures on services.
Our strategy sets out what we want to achieve over the next five years to make services work the best they can for local people.
Have your say
Tell us your experience of health and social care services and help make care better.
Advice and information
Find out about more about how we can help you access the support you need to live well.

Our staff team
Our staff team work across both Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Healthwatch Peterborough.
Talk to them about how you can be part of helping to make local health and care services the best they can be.

Our Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors manage both Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Healthwatch Peterborough.
They meet bi-monthly in public and you are welcome to come along.

Our Policies
Our policies are set by our Board of Directors and reviewed regularly.
You can read all our policies online.

Visiting services
Find out about our right to enter and view local health and adult social care services. And how we use this power to help improve care.