Members of Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough staff smiling and standing by a desk with Healthwatch reports and leaflets on it

Meet the team

Find out more about our staff.


Our staff

Jess Slater - CEO

Jess has 19 years of dedicated experience in the voluntary sector with Northamptonshire Older Persons. She has led on delivering a diverse range of services to the public and played a pivotal role in a collaborative effort within the voluntary sector, effecting substantial transformations in governance and culture within the North Northamptonshire Integrated Care System (ICS). Working in partnership with local authorities and health services, her leadership within the ICS has integrated voluntary sector leaders into innovative operational frameworks. 

Communications and Impact Team

Kate Tarrant - Head of Communications & Impact

Kate has over 20 years of experience in communications and marketing, including leading fundraising projects with the British Heart Foundation, Mencap and the Alzheimer's Society. She has previously worked in healthcare overseeing a publication for the NHS which focused on amplifying and connecting voices in healthcare to improve both staff and patient experience.

Impact & Data Officer - vacant

Operations and Project Team

Caroline Tyrrell-Jones - Head of Operations

Caroline has a background in education and training. She’s worked within local disability organisations and has experience of working with people affected by both physical and learning disabilities, long term health conditions, including mental health issues, and also families caring for disabled children. She has managed contracts in both advocacy and information, advice and guidance.

Miranda Knell - Information and Signposting Officer 

Miranda helps to run the Adult Social Care Partnership Boards, the Wheelchair Users Forum and the four Health and Care Forums. This work helps us to hear experiences of health and social care from people all over Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. She has more than 20 years’ experience working in the voluntary sector delivering community projects and has been a family carer for 17 years.

Information Officer - vacant

Heather Lord - Volunteer Manager

Heather looks after our volunteers and make sure they have the training and support they need to volunteer with us. She is passionate about equality, and making sure that Healthwatch can harness the skills and interests of people from across the communities of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. She has over 30 years’ experience of working to enable and empower people.

Janine Newby-Robson - Project Manager

Janine works on intelligence-led community engagement projects. She has previously worked in the health service as a personal health trainer, helping patients to make lifestyle changes to improve health.

Communities Team

Sue Allan – Head of Engagement

Sue makes sure that we hear from people in local communities across our area, developing partnerships with voluntary groups and other organisations. She also works to capture views from seldom heard groups. She has many years of experience supporting and counselling young people about sexual health and substance misuse. Sue is a former CEO at charity Link to Change for children and young people who are at risk or are victims of sexual and criminal exploitation. She formerly worked at Everyone Health managing health trainers.

Rebwar Hussein - Senior Engagement Officer

Rebwar spends most of his time out in the community, listening to the health and care experiences of people who are less likely to share their stories. He moved to the UK in 2002, working with fellow members of the Kurdish community in Peterborough, helping them to access local support and services. He has been a community organiser and sexual health outreach worker and has also undertaken research projects for Citizens’ Advice Peterborough and sexual health charity EAST.

IIdiko Docsova - Engagement Officer

Ildiko joined Healthwatch in January as our Engagement Officer in the Cambridgeshire area. Coming to England in the early 2000s, IIdiko has worked across a variety of sectors including hospitality, education and for a homeless scheme. She is currently studying Applied and Clinical Psychology. IIdiko has a natural passion for helping and supporting others and finds her role at Healthwatch very rewarding. 

Office Team

Carole Rose - Head of Administration and Finance

Carole makes sure our offices run smoothly and safely, and that the incoming and outgoing expenses are accurate. She comes from a background of working with the Royal Navy, Police, fraud investigations, insurance and aero metals supply bringing a wide range of experience to our team.

Sharon Gunn - Administration Officer

Sharon helps run our offices and supports the Board and staff team in their activities. She has extensive experience in project management, business administration and customer services. She has also worked as an Assistant Teacher in the education sector. 

Graham Lewis - Partnership Development Manager

Graham supports the work of the Adult Social Care Partnership groups across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. These bring together statutory, voluntary and community sector organisations with people of lived experience of disability, older people and carers to help feedback on and improve adult social care services.  He has worked in a variety of settings such as homeless hostels, youth work and supporting victims of crime.

Lucy Kennedy - Partnership Board Assistant 

Lucy joined Healthwatch in March and has over 25 years of experience in education.  She is supporting the work of the Adult Social Care Partnership groups which meet regularly across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  She is passionate about helping people to share their experiences in order to improve the health and care outcomes for people in the community.