Kadie's Journey: A Tale of Care and Advocacy During Carers' Week

For over thirty years, Kadie has been actively engaged in advocating for personalised care at both national and local levels. Serving as the Vice Chair of the Carers' Partnership Board, she has played a significant role in shaping policies and services for carers and their loved ones.
In the video, Kadie discusses the challenges and rewards of caregiving, providing insights into the realities faced by carers. Her story emphasises the importance of support networks and highlights the need for continued efforts to improve services for carers.
As Carers' Week emphasises the significance of caregiving, Kadie's story reinforces the importance of advocacy and community support in addressing the needs of carers and promoting their well-being.
Get involved too!
Interested in joining one of the Partnership Boards?
Read more on our websites about what becoming an Independent Member on the Board involves.
And apply online – although we can send a paper version if that's better for you.
Use your experience and help make a difference
Do you have lived experience of using adult care services, or caring for someone that does?
If you can represent and speak up for older people, people with disabilities or family carers, then the Boards would really like to hear from you.
They meet every two or three months – but the Independent Member role is flexible around you.
There’s accessible training and information plus plenty of support – such as a British Sign Language interpreter – to help you in the role. And if you can’t commit to every meeting, we understand and can work around that with you.
Have a chat about volunteering
Our Healthwatch runs the Boards on behalf of the local councils. Get in touch and have a chat with Graham Lewis, our Partnership Development Manager about how you can get involved.
Call 07432 865996