Second Healthwatch Covid briefing shows mixed picture

Most have had good healthcare, but people are worried about managing their health when treatment has been paused. And one in three have delayed getting help for a health condition.

Our second briefing into people's experiences of health, social care and community support during the pandemic is published today. And it contains the views of more than 250 people who filled in our survey between 11 June and 1 July 2020.

The first was published last month - find it here - and shared the views of more than 530 people. 

We continued to receive many messages thanking NHS staff, care and other
key workers. It’s clear that people care enormously about the safety and wellbeing of key worker staff and they want them to have what they need to do their jobs safely.  

Thank you very much for all hard job you are doing. Please, stay safe and take care of yourselves too.

However, people continue to expressed concerns about cancelled services and procedures during Covid-19 – and are worried about how these delays will affect their illness and prognosis.

And people have found it harder to keep up to date with the changes to information and advice around how to keep safe. Although they have said that it is still relatively easy to know where to find the information.

A mixed picture

  • Most said health care was good or excellent – but communication around changes was less positive 

  • Nearly one in three put off seeking help for a health condition – for minor problems and potentially serious conditions
  • Three out of four people said their mental health or wellbeing had been
    affected in some way 
  • Over half of those who needed support turned to their family, friends and 

Read the second briefing

Why is Healthwatch running a survey?

The coronavirus pandemic has meant many changes to health and care services across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough as hospitals and local authorities respond to the situation.

Part of our role at Healthwatch, as a statutory body, is to safeguard the rights and wellbeing of people who use health and social care services.

We launched our survey on 28 May and it will run until 31 August 2020.

We will be publishing one more briefing during the summer as data comes in, followed by a  final report in the autumn. 

What will happen with the finding?

Survey data will go back to local service providers and planners to help them to continue to deliver good quality care across our area.                  

It will also be shared with Healthwatch England to help inform the national response to the pandemic.

Share your views

Please tell us about your health, care and community support experiences during the pandemic and help local NHS and care services continue to deliver good care for everyone.

Giving feedback, both good and bad, can help improve services.

Have your say

Or call us on 0330 355 1285 if you would prefer a paper copy or would like to do the survey by phone.