Healthwatch recruiting Community Researcher volunteers for new projects

Recruitment of Healthwatch Community Researchers volunteers is under way to help us conduct projects and speak to local people about their experiences...and we are looking for more to join us in Peterborough.
A young man walking down a street and carrying a rucksack

The Community Reseracher volunteers will get involved in running surveys, workshops and patient interviews, and listen to the views of people with long term conditions, such as diabetes, and those who find it hard to access services. Each Community Researcher will receive an involvement fee of £75 per half day for the time they give after their training is completed.

Feedback from patients and the public will help the healthcare system work better together and build improved services for local people.

The Healthwatch Community Researchers will get training, support and be involved in three community projects over the next 18-24 months.

In particular, we are looking for volunteers who are registered with the following GP surgeries:

Peterborough Partnerships PCN –

  • Nightingale Medical Practice
  • Westwood Clinic
  • Ailsworth Medical Centre
  • The Willow Tree
  • The Grange Medical Centre
  • Botoph Bridge CHC

Bretton Park and Hampton -

  • Hampton Health
  • Bretton Medical Practice
  • Park Medical Centre

Applications are particularly welcomed from younger people (minimum age 18), those with disabilities or long-term health conditions, and people from local minority ethnic communities.

Dee Ucunu was recently recruited as a Healthwatch volunteer and has joined the Community Researcher team. She said: “I am looking forward to being an advocate for patient voices.”

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is managing the Community Researchers programme for local health and care teams. It makes sure NHS leaders and other decision makers hear the feedback from the public to improve care.

Get in touch with Karen Igho, our Project Manager, for more information or an informal chat.

Call: 0330 355 1285


Office text: 0752 0635 176

Apply now