an older woman looking at the camera

Everybody has the right to be involved in the decisions that affect their daily lives.

We are supporting local people to get involved in Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council's Adult Social Care Partnership Boards. 

Join one of the Boards and use your experience to help improve services for everyone.

Find out more

The two councils pay us to organise and develop five Partnership Boards in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Each Board’s role is to support and improve care for people who use health and adult social care services.

They do this by including some of the people who use these services in their design, delivery and evaluation.

Social care includes providing social work, personal care, protection or social support services to children or adults in need or at risk, or adults in need due to illness, disability, old age or poverty. 

Please note, when clicking on details of the Partnership Boards below, you will be redirected to our Cambridgeshire site where this information is centrally stored.

Each Partnership Board is made up of:

  • Service user representatives - called Independent Members
  • Voluntary sector service providers
  • Statutory services such as health and social care

The aim is for half of the members on each board and its Chair to be health and/or adult social care service users.

Raising issues with adult social care

The Chairs attend the Adult Social Care Forum organised by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council, jointly chaired by the Heads of Adult Social Care Commissioning for both councils. This gives the Boards and other partner organisations a direct communication link with the adult social care senior management for both councils.

Supporting people

Healthwatch organises the Board meetings and provides support and training to the Independent Members to help them in their roles.

Join one of the Partnership Boards

Carers' Partnership Board

This Board helps to improve services for carers in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

They meet every two months in different places across our region. 

It's Chaired in rotation by Carers, including Independent Member Sue Honour, pictured here. 

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Learning Disability Partnership Board

This Board helps to improve services for people with learning disabilities in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

They meet every three months in different places across our region. 

It's Chaired in rotation by people of lived experience of Learning Disability and/or Autism.

Find out more 

Two men at a meeting

Older People's Partnership Board

This Board helps to improve services for older people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

They meet every three months in different places across our region. 

Chaired by Independent Member Brian Walker, pictured here. 

Find out more 

Physical Disability Partnership Board

This Board helps to improve services for people with physical disabilities in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

They meet every three months in different places across our region. 

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head and shoulders photo of a man

Sensory Impairment Partnership Board

This Board helps to improve services for people with sensory impairments in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

They meet every three months in different places across our region. 

It's Chaired by Mick Scadden, pictured here.

Find out more 


I can make a difference by putting my views and my experiences into the mix regarding visually impaired and mental side of being severely sight impaired. 

Mick Scadden, Chair of the Sensory Partnership Board