Sensory Impairment Partnership Board minutes April 2022 to March 2023
19 May 2022
At this meeting we had a presentation on the work of Disability Huntingdonshire (also known as DISH) about their work in supporting people with disabilities to claim the benefits they are entitled to
18 August 2022
This meeting had a presentation on, and discussion about, the Advocacy Service in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust gave a presentation and answered questions on their strategy that is aiming to reduce health inequalities for people accessing their services.
17 November 2022
This meeting had a presentation from the company Starship who are piloting a robot delivery system in Cambourne and parts of Cambridge City. The Partnership Board gave feedback. Members have since been invited to participate in meetings to help Starship make their service safer for people using the public highways; especially those with sensory impairments
23 February 2023
At this meeting the Sensory Impairment Partnership Board discussed the challenges people face in arranging GP or nurse appointments, especially when having to use online systems. The experiences were raised with the Integrated Care System.