Our new report, Life in a care home, is published today. And tells the experiences of people living at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough care homes during the Covid-19 pandemic and their friends and families.
Our March meeting includes an experiences report on NHS dentistry. This includes an update on the difficulties finding and accessing a dentist – which we first highlighted in 2019 – and the steps being taken to address the problem.
Our January meeting includes a report about the pandemic experiences of local families with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
We'll also be welcoming three new Directors to the Board.
Board meeting in public, led by our new Chair Stewart Francis. We heard about all the Engagement work our team has been doing over the last year and got an update on our 2020 audit of GP websites. The minutes and papers are available here.
Come along to our next Board meeting in public. We'll be hearing about the appointment of our new Chair, Stewart Francis, and saying goodbye to retiring Chair Val Moore and long-serving Directors Susan Mahmood, Nik Patten and Margaret Robinson.
Young people told us they need better support when moving from children's to adults' mental health services. And their suggestions are helping health and care planners think about how to improve care.
Local people from South Asian communities told us how services could better help them manage their diabetes. And their suggestions are helping local health and care planners to improve the support people get.
Log on and watch our next Board meeting in public. This session, we'll be hearing from the Board's Business Development Programme Group and finding out how our latest work projects are progressing.