People across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have given their views in an England-wide consultation looking at new standards to measure the performance of urgent and emergency care.
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Partnership Boards have published a new report highlighting transport issues affecting older people and disabled people across our area.
Healthwatch has begun its search for a successor to Val Moore – our Chair for the last six years. Val has served two three-year-terms and so she will be stepping down from the post in September.
Today, as part of Deaf Awareness Week, we have launched our new British Sign Language survey to help Deaf people share their views on health and social care services locally.
Log on and watch our next Board meeting in public. We will be talking about dental care and access to dentists across our area. Join us and hear an update from NHS England and NHS Improvement, which plans and pays for dental services.